Wish you were here?

As holiday season is now upon us, I have been reminiscing about places I have visited and also thinking about where I would like to travel to next.
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity when I was in my twenties to live and work in Northern Italy with my partner. We stayed for a year in a region called Liguria and managed to acquire a decent amount of the language. Italy, is without a doubt, my favourite country to visit and holds a special place in my heart. To name but a few I have been to Imperia, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Rome, Venice and as far South to Palermo in Sicily. All unique, but for me Venice for my 40th Birthday has to be top of my list.
What struck me most about Venice was the lack of wheels! There was obviously a lot of water transport but no bikes, scooters or the like. From the tackiness of the street sellers on the many bridges, to the tranquility when inadvertently getting lost up a side street and being met by a Gondola that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Also taking a bit of time out of the hustle and bustle to enjoy breath-taking views when island hopping between Murano and Burano. Well, that was nearly 12 years ago and almost a distant memory.
The rest of the 2macs team are a well-travelled bunch so I thought I would quiz them to find out where their favourite holiday destinations are.
I will start with Audrey, our MD. She is a very (very) keen Scuba Diver/Instructor and her past time has taken her far and wide, including Malta, Hurghada, The Maldives, The Galapagos Islands and quite often to a lake in North Yorkshire! It will be interesting to see if she chooses one of those destinations that she has spent many an hour underwater marveling at the Ocean’s delights.
Where is your favourite holiday destination?
“I’d always try to get some underwater time while on holiday or just go for a pure diving holiday but I think my favourite holiday was our trip to Disney Florida.”
“It’s fun! You throw yourself in and my boys did just that! Butterbeer for breakfast at the Harry Potter section, cooling down on the water rides in the afternoon and generally running around. They are doing their own thing now for holidays but I think I’ll try to lock in a return trip. Not sure I’ll be able to do all the miles now though!”
Where next?
“I’d love to visit Jeju Island in South Korea. I’m fascinated and in awe of the female deep sea divers, the haenyeo and how fantastic would it be to meet these real heroes. I would also like to visit the Peace Park to pay my respects to those who died in the 1948/1949 uprising. It would be a moving trip I reckon.”
Now I will move on to Richard and find out exactly where he has enjoyed visiting the most. I could try to hazard a guess as I know that in May 2017 he set off in his new motorhome to travel around Europe and managed to go to 12 different countries. I remember fondly following the Facebook page of his beloved Boxer dog to see what Richard, his wife and Boris were getting up to. I am intrigued to see where his favourite destination is and what is on his bucket list.
Where is your favourite holiday destination?
"Probably Thailand. We’ve been to a few different parts but Chang Mai is definitely my favourite place in Thailand. In terms of our European trip though, my favourite city was Berlin and Lake Bled in Slovenia was amazing and is probably the most beautiful place I’ve ever visited anywhere."
Why Thailand?
"The food, the people (it’s hard to think of a place where people have been as friendly and welcoming)."
Where next?
"Off to Turkey later this year which will be a first for us. Next long haul is probably going to be Vietnam and possibly into Cambodia. We had a trip planned a few years ago but couldn’t go due to Covid… so Vietnam is very much still on the bucket list."
Next we have Shaun who has also to travelled to many far flung destinations including Thailand, The Philippines, Peru and Egypt. He is also a keen Scuba Diver but I think he will choose somewhere that I will least expect as I am sure he has been to many places that I don’t know about.
Where is your favourite holiday destination?
“That’s a tricky one as each one brings its own unique cultural experience. In terms of ‘sitting well with the world’ and I know that sounds corny but it would have to be The Galapagos Islands”.
“This place is somewhere we can really co-exist with all creatures and we really do co-exist. If a sea lion is sitting on a bench then you have to sit somewhere else, if an iguana is sitting at a table in a bar you must let it stay. It is so pristine with no pollution and is plastic free. The Galapagos inspired Darwin, his theory of evolution lead the way for us to prove that all living things are related. We are literally all one family and we all have a right to the world”.
Where next?
"I would love to go back to Indonesia and visit the islands rather than the cities."
Last and by no means least I am asking Harry where his favourite holiday took him.
Harry has travelled far and wide, especially through his work with Macnaughton McGregor but he also likes to explore destinations in the UK in his Motorhome with his wife and wee whippet Alfie. I would imagine, amongst his favourite destinations they would include idyllic, off the beaten track villages in Scotland to name a few. Let’s see where he chooses as his favourite.
Where is your favourite holiday destination?
“As you mention, I’ve travelled all over the place for work – all across Europe, Kazakhstan and the middle east, and have holidayed far and wide too, but I’m a celt at heart. My family roots all lead back to Ireland, both north and south, and whenever I go there it feels like coming home, which is strange considering I was born in England!
The west and south coast of Ireland are where it’s at for me, from Connemara down through the Dingle Peninsula, and down to Baltimore. I have lovely memories of crossing the Connor Pass in broad sunshine, looking around me and thinking “It doesn’t get any better than this!”
Similarly, Scotland is another favourite. Away from the cities, the west coast and the highlands are just something else. As Scotland’s favourite son Billy Connolly once remarked, “There’s no bugger here!” Take the wee roads through the Isle of Whithorn and you can spend hours without seeing another soul, at one with the deer and the buzzards and owls. And then if you dare, go up and do the Applecross Pass – but not in a motorhome, unless you want to see the colour of adrenaline!”
"It’s all stunning, regardless of the time of year."
Where next?
"Later this month we’re back off to the west of Scotland in our motorhome (Motorhome? When did I become so old?!!) to play in a wee folk festival at Port William (not Fort William, which is a different kettle of fish altogether!) and then over east to discover the Kingdom of Fife, which I don’t know at all. Can’t wait!"
I really enjoyed chatting to the team about their travels with everyone having different, exciting experiences and memories. Whether the sun shines on us in the UK this Summer or you are lucky enough to be going somewhere else in the world – savor every minute!