World Mental Health Day 2017

The unseen and unsaid – explored and addressed
Can we afford to ignore the mental wellbeing of our people?
The figures suggest not. Stress and stress related absenteeism costs the UK something like £6-7 billion each year.
We know what it’s like operating in today’s demanding and ever changing work environments. For managers already dealing with these challenges, it can be oh so easy to miss the early signs of stress in their people. Or worse still, be an unwitting part of the problem.
This is why Macnaughton McGregor – already known and loved for their use of drama in Leadership and Behavioural Safety Training – have developed a brand new Health and Wellbeing programme. It not only raises awareness of the early indicators but also equips your team with some essential tools and strategies to have a positive impact on a subject they would previously have been be wary of engaging with.
World Mental Health Day is only 6 weeks away now and this year’s focus is on Mental Health In The Workplace. So isn’t it worth a conversation to see how 2macs can help you make the 10th October a real day to remember?