World Mental Health Day… What’s Next?

We’ve had World Mental Health Day and hopefully that’s raised more awareness. Using the old adage “awareness – acceptance – action”, a number of our clients are working with our drama team to make a real impact on areas such as stress awareness, stress management and the promotion of wellbeing.
Slightly less obvious, but still positively contributing, are our Mediating Conflict and PlainSpeak courses which give managers the confidence and skills to have the difficult conversations, the one’s that actually do help create the right workplace culture.
As part of a strategy to deal with issues and promote an open and positive working environment, both courses really do make a difference. The outcomes contribute directly in reducing the six primary sources of stress at work the HSE has identified, specifically around relationships and role.
If a healthy culture is an open culture, it’s more than awareness, it’s about giving managers the processes, the confidence and the skills to be clear, supportive and positive and also giving them the capability to resolve issues before they cause stress or become toxic.