Individual coaching
We work with a range of individual coaching clients, at different stages in their careers with their own unique focus and outcomes. The call for coaching can be centred around a specific change in role, a career opportunity or more generally for people leadership and management and personal performance.
A series of 4-6 coaching sessions makes positive changes, moving our clients from surviving to thriving, in fact sometimes from drowning to surviving first. We are here to help enable you to develop and grow.

Group coaching
Either as a stand-alone activity or as part of a development programme, group coaching sessions enable people to fast track the transfer of learning. We do this by working with the group to apply concepts and ideas to their presenting issues which delivers results and builds their adaptive capacity for the future.
This is particularly effective with leadership and management teams as the insights and skills that they gain are then used in other interactions thus building a productive and trusting peer group who are able to work collaboratively in joint problem solving, strategy development or even conflict resolution.
Workplace coaching
People often leave training sessions with the best of intentions and a well-crafted ‘to do list’.
However, for some topics such as Safety Coaching and Lean Improvements, there is nothing more impactful than coaching support in the workplace to practice skills and apply tools and techniques.
Our skilled and practical technical coaches will work with people in the workplace to spot opportunities, overcome barriers and practice skills and approaches.

Group facilitation
The simple definition of group facilitation is "guiding people in a conversation". And it is that simple but it involves planning, focus, steering the conversation (sometimes light touch, other times directional), navigating conflicting views while still providing space to debate, managing time and process, agreeing outcomes (sometimes detailed and other times just a general sense), energising the group...the list goes on.
We work with a variety of groups from strategic development teams to project teams and community groups.
We regularly work with academic research groups at all stages of the research journey and we enjoy seeing their collaborative endeavours form, secure funding and resources and start to make those all important impacts.