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Coaching & Facilitation

We provide coaching for people at all stages in their career, helping them to navigate change and development positively. For groups we provide Group Coaching to enable them to work through issues and we provide facilitation for teams and research groups. 

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Individual coaching

We work with a range of individual coaching clients, at different stages in their careers with their own unique focus and outcomes. The call for coaching can be centred around a specific change in role, a career opportunity or more generally for people leadership and management and personal performance. 

A series of 4-6 coaching sessions makes positive changes, moving our clients from surviving to thriving, in fact sometimes from drowning to surviving first. We are here to help enable you to develop and grow.

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Group coaching

Either as a stand-alone activity or as part of a development programme, group coaching sessions enable people to fast track the transfer of learning. We do this by working with the group to apply concepts and ideas to their presenting issues which delivers results and builds their adaptive capacity for the future.

This is particularly effective with leadership and management teams as the insights and skills that they gain are then used in other interactions thus building a productive and trusting peer group who are able to work collaboratively in joint problem solving, strategy development or even conflict resolution.

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Workplace coaching

People often leave training sessions with the best of intentions and a well-crafted ‘to do list’.

However, for some topics such as Safety Coaching and Lean Improvements, there is nothing more impactful than coaching support in the workplace to practice skills and apply tools and techniques.

Our skilled and practical technical coaches will work with people in the workplace to spot opportunities, overcome barriers and practice skills and approaches.

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Group facilitation 

The simple definition of group facilitation is "guiding people in a conversation". And it is that simple but it involves planning, focus, steering the conversation (sometimes light touch, other times directional), navigating conflicting views while still providing space to debate, managing time and process, agreeing outcomes (sometimes detailed and other times just a general sense), energising the group...the list goes on. 

We work with a variety of groups from strategic development teams to project teams and community groups.

We regularly work with academic research groups at all stages of the research journey and we enjoy seeing their collaborative endeavours form, secure funding and resources and start to make those all important impacts. 

Client feedback
“As a business we’ve built a strong relationship with 2macs over the years. They have provided us with HR advice and support, leadership facilitation and coaching. As we have a small team, I work regularly with Steve and Audrey who feel part of our extended team. They are both easy to work with, offering excellent support and challenging when required to get to the best outcomes. They are readily available whether it be for a quick query or developing solutions to more complex situations – there is never a stupid question!”
Andrea Taylor
Head of People and Experience at Fentimans
Working with Audrey has been a game-changer; I feel now at my strongest point in my career with an enhanced leadership capability and strategic focus in my work. She has provided honest feedback, support, guidance and expert technical input. Her style and approach has flexed to my changing roles and needs -- from strategic HR, OD, learning and development, strategy and impact, to personal career and professional development. I see our collaboration as indispensable to my growth and success.
Liz Field
Senior Human Resources Consultant - WIPO
For years I have struggled with imposter syndrome, something which I feel has held me back in applying for promotion opportunities at work. With the support of coaching from Audrey, I was able to work through this challenge and succeeded at interview for my dream job as an NHS Director! Huge thank you to Audrey.
Amy Muldoon
Gateshead NHS Foundation Trust
"Audrey has facilitated various sessions for us at the institute for social science at Newcastle University. We have been incredibly impressed by Audrey’s ability to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. Her warmth and energy is both supportive and helps promote focused thinking. We have been especially grateful for Audrey’s uniquely designed methods which encourage collaborative and strategic thinking. Her processes have helped us co-design two new highly effective research clusters. We would recommend to anyone hoping to promote research culture, and productive conversation in the workplace."
Dr Jen Bagelman
Newcastle University, Geography Institute for Social Science, Deputy Director
In simple terms, Audrey saved my life! When I was first introduced to Audrey I had recently stepped into an interim Senior Role within an NHS Trust, during the height of the Covid pandemic. I was new to the NHS and although I could bring professional knowledge, skills and experience from my earlier career, they hadn’t quite prepared me for the challenges I was about to face. I often felt overwhelmed, was struggling in the weeds and really didn’t know how to best move forward and that’s where Audrey stepped in! She helped me to reframe my position, encouraged me to take a minute to step back and consider the best way forward, access the skills that I had within my team and leave the ‘perfectionist’ at the door. With Audrey’s support I was able to navigate through that period, with my sanity intact, and ultimately move into a permanent position within our People & OD senior management team, that perfectly aligns with the work I love to do – thank you so much, Audrey!
Laura Farrington
Head of Leadership, OD & Staff Experience at Gateshead NHS Foundation Trust
Audrey has been coaching me for over 6 years and has been a fundamental part of my leadership and development journey. Without Audrey’s support and guidance I would not be in the role I am currently in, and I continue to be impressed by her compassion, constructive challenge and ability to guide me to be the best I can be.
Amanda Venner
Interim Executive Director of People & OD at Gateshead NHS Foundation Trust